GeoSNav Coordinates (ellipsoidal WGS84):
Latitude: 45° 39' 36.94227"
Longitude: 13° 47' 40.98514"
Height: 163.819 m

GeoSNav (Geodesy and Satellite Navigation) Laboratory

Department of Engineering and Architecture, University of Trieste, Italy

GeoSNav Laboratory has been created at the Department of Engineering and Architecture, University of Trieste, Italy in order to emphasize GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) activities and researches, enforce the links with European partners, better connect common experimental activities on GNSS and EGNOS (European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service) and facilitate the networking with other European research centers and enterprises for common participation to European Community Research Projects.

GeoSNav Laboratory is coordinated by Prof. Raffaela Cefalo, who has 25 years expertise in GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System).

GeoSNav Lab main Research and Development activities:

  • Landslide Monitoring
  • Environmental and Pollution Monitoring
  • GNSS applications to Terrestrial, Marine and Aerial Navigation
  • SBAS/EGNOS real time tests and data analyses
  • Static and kinematic interferential GNSS positioning
  • Kinematic EGNOS real time performances and applications
  • Hardware/software innovative developments for real time terrestrial navigation

Research activities and campaigns have been carried out together with researchers of the following countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Check Republic, Croatia, France, Poland, Slovenia, United Kingdom and Ukraine

Experimental activities on EGNOS performances and applications have been carried out in particular with researchers of the Department of Satellite Geodesy and Navigations, University of Warmia and Masury, Head Prof. Stanislaw Oszczak, Olsztyn Poland.

GeoSNav Laboratory coordinated a Project Proposal preparation inside the EC FP7, leading a Consortium of 12 partners belonging to Italian and European Academic Centers and Enterprises

GeoSNav Laboratory

GeoSNav Laboratory has been created at the Department of Engineering and Architetture, University of Trieste, Italy in order to emphasize GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) activities and research.



GeoSNaV Laboratory
Department of Engineering and Architetture University of Trieste
Via Valerio 6/2 - 34127 TRIESTE - ITALY
Tel. +39 040 5583578
Fax. +39 040 5583580