GeoSNav Coordinates (ellipsoidal WGS84):
Latitude: 45° 39' 36.94227"
Longitude: 13° 47' 40.98514"
Height: 163.819 m
Key Staff
Prof. Eng. Raffaela Cefalo:
is Associate Professor of Geodesy and Topography at the Department of Engineering and Architetture (DIA), University of Trieste. She is the scientific responsible of GeoSNAV Laboratory, University of Trieste, Italy. She has 25 years of experience in GNSS domain, in particular for geodetic environmental monitoring and real-time aerial, marine and terrestrial navigation. She has a degree in Civil Engineering full marks and a PhD, Polytechnic of Milan, Italy, in Geodetic and Topographic Sciences. She is titular of Courses on Precise Topographic Techniques, GNSS Data Processing and GIS at the Engineering Faculty, University of Trieste, Italy. She has been vice Coordinator of a PhD in Geomatics and Cartography, University of Trieste and vice Director of an International Master in Cartography and GIS, University of Trieste. She is member of the Board of the PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Trieste. She is reviewer of Journal of Geodesy (ed. F. Sanso', Italy) and Atti of the Italian Institute of Navigation. She is author of more than 120 papers. She participated to international activities and research in the framework of PNRA (National Project of Antarctic Research) and to different national Projects like coordinator and vice coordinator. She took part to the Project Proposal preparation of MONITOR Project, funded into EC FP6. She is member of IGC (International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems), EGU (European Geophysical Union) and IIN (Italian Institute of Navigation). She is member of the ICG Working Group "Enhancement of performances of GNSS services".

Dr. Eng. Mauro Calderan:
is a member of scientific staff of GeoSNAV Laboratory, University of Trieste, Italy. He has been involved in many projects related to kinematic GPS positioning. He has strong experience in GNSS technology and EGNOS (European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service) applications for real-time navigation and in software developments, client/server architectures and UAS (User Application Software) for SISNeT (Signal In Space through InterneT) technology implementation. He participated to numerous activities in the framework of MIUR COFIN Italian Projects (COFIN 2004 and COFIN 2005) and to international Activities.

Dr. Cristoforo Montefusco:
is a member of scientific staff of GeoSNAV Laboratory, University of Trieste, Italy. He is an expert of GNSS applications, Satellite Based Augmentation Systems (in particular EGNOS), Pseudolites. He has a strong experience in Quality and financial Management and in Project reporting and reviewing.

Dr. Eng. Alessio Purga:
is a member of scientific staff of GeoSNAV Laboratory, University of Trieste, Italy. He has been involved in many projects related to kinematic GPS positioning and applications to Road Cadaster, GIS and WebGIS implementations. He has strong experience in GNSS technology. He participated to numerous activities in the framework of MIUR COFIN Italian Projects. Key competencies: informatics Engineering.

Francesco Filippi:
is a member of the technical staff of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Trieste. Key competencies: informatics.

Tatiana Sluga:
Dr. Eng. Tatiana Sluga: is a member of scientific staff of GeoSNAV Laboratory, University of Trieste, Italy. She has been involved in many projects related to kinematic GPS positioning. She has strong experience in GNSS technology and EGNOS (European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service) applications for real-time navigation; set-up, calibration, testing of Mobile Mapping System equipped with integrated GNSS/INS positioning system, kinematic surveys, and related data processing. She participated to numerous activities in the framework of MIUR COFIN Italian Projects (COFIN 2000, COFIN 2001, COFIN 2002, and COFIN 2004) and to international Activities.

Alberto Tomasella:
is a student of informatics Engineering of University of Trieste with several compentencies in ICT tecnology and 3d cad design.

GeoSNav Laboratory

GeoSNav Laboratory has been created at the Department of Engineering and Architetture, University of Trieste, Italy in order to emphasize GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) activities and research.



GeoSNaV Laboratory
Department of Engineering and Architetture University of Trieste
Via Valerio 6/2 - 34127 TRIESTE - ITALY
Tel. +39 040 5583578
Fax. +39 040 5583580